Inclusión y cambios en el aula vía adaptaciones instructivas


  • María Cristina Cardona Moltó
Keywords: Instructional adaptations, kindergarten, elementary, secondary, and high school regular education teachers’ perceptions.


While the trend toward a more inclusive education is growing, little information exists regarding teachers’ perceptions of within-class instructional adaptations. This article examines how teachers perceive such adaptations in terms of feasibility, effectiveness and desirability of implementation. Kindergarten (n = 16), elementary (n = 34), secondary (n = 26), and high school (n = 13) teachers rated the feasibility, effectiveness and desirability of 29 items on the Escala de Adaptaciones de la Enseñanza (ESAE-Form G) on a Likert-type scale. Results show that instructional adaptations have a moderate teachers’ acceptance and that although a majority of the teachers believe they are feasible and effective, only a minority perceive them as desirable. No statistically significant differences were found between kindergarten, elementary, and secondary teacher ratings. However some differences surfaced when comparing high school vs compulsary grades. Findings are discussed in light of needs for professional practice changes and sustantive reform in teacher training programs for diversity.


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How to Cite
Cardona Moltó, M. C. (2003). Inclusión y cambios en el aula vía adaptaciones instructivas. Journal of Educational Research, 21(2), 465–487. Retrieved from