Estudio de las características que percibe el profesorado en alumnos con alta capacidad intelectual


  • Ana Mª Peña del Agua
  • Raquel-Amaya Martínez
  • Ana Esther Velázquez
  • Mª del Rosario Barriales
  • Lydia López
Keywords: Gifted, identify, special educational needs, Primary Schools.


This study tries to take attention to the high number of active teachers who have received little training about the special educational needs the intellectual giftedness students have. This research aims to know the foundations teachers use to consider that a student has high intellectual abilities. A questionnaire of 55 clossed-answer items was used to gather information.
The sample is composed of 188 tutors (teachers) of grades 5th and 6th who belong to state and Private Primary Schools in Asturias (Spain). Results show that teachers not always follow the most appropiate theoretical bases according to identify gifted students and to teach them accordingly.


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How to Cite
Peña del Agua, A. M., Martínez, R.-A., Velázquez, A. E., Barriales, M. del R., & López, L. (2003). Estudio de las características que percibe el profesorado en alumnos con alta capacidad intelectual. Journal of Educational Research, 21(1), 271–289. Retrieved from