Un estudio multidimensional sobre la orientación y la acción tutorial en las diferentes etapas del sistema educativo


  • Antonio Pantoja Vallejo
  • Tomás J. Campoy Aranda
  • Antonio Cañas Calles
Keywords: Counseling, educational system, pre-university levels, tutorial.


In this article we present the results of two investigations carried out for two academic years in order to know the state of the guidance in the different stages of the Education System in the province of Jaén. In the first study we start from the students opinion and in the second one from the teachers of no-universitary levels. We use the survey as technique of information collection from large samples, in both studies. After the analyses of the data we establish the results and the conclusions and we carry out the specific proposals of improvement aimed at the various agents that are involve in the Education Guidance.


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How to Cite
Pantoja Vallejo, A., Campoy Aranda, T. J., & Cañas Calles, A. (2003). Un estudio multidimensional sobre la orientación y la acción tutorial en las diferentes etapas del sistema educativo. Journal of Educational Research, 21(1), 67–91. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/99091