La formación del profesorado a través de los sistemas educativos a distancia. Evaluación del programa de la UNED


  • José Luís García Llamas
  • Belén Ballesteros Velázquez
Keywords: Teachers’ training, distance education, qualitative research.


In this article we present the problem referred to the teacher training in the distance educational system., we are specially interested in the analysis of the University students’ answers to open questions and the discussion groups. For this objective we are using the SPAD-T software programme in three phases: Analysis of repeated segments, characteristic segments and analysis of correspondences.

The conclusions of this study show some possible improvements of the distance training courses, in relation to the organisational, administrative and academic aspects. In this sense, we need to improve the didactic materials, promote the constitution of work groups, more connection with the real practice and offer others courses about the new fields of the personal and professional professors’ tasks.


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How to Cite
García Llamas, J. L., & Ballesteros Velázquez, B. (2003). La formación del profesorado a través de los sistemas educativos a distancia. Evaluación del programa de la UNED. Journal of Educational Research, 21(1), 47–65. Retrieved from