Educación emocional y competencias básicas para la vida


  • Rafael Bisquerra Alzina
Keywords: Emotional education, social and emotional learnning, emotional intelligence, multiple intelligences, key competencies, emotion, emotional conscience, reversal theory.


Emotional education is an educational innovation which has as an objective to answer to the social needs not attended into ordinary education. The foundations of emotional education can multiple intelligence theory, emotional intelligence, flow, progressive education movement, psychological education, health education, social skills, subjective well-being, etc. As an example of theory we present the reversal theory. The objective of emotiona education is the development of emotional competence: emotional conscience, emotional regulation, selfmanagement, interpersonal intelligence, life skills and subjective well-being. The practice of emotional education implies the design of programs based on a theory, with the training of the teachers who will implement them; we need curricular materials to support the teacher task; to evaluate the programs we need instruments and strategies, etc. This article is the result of the work of the GROP (Grupo de Recerca en Orientació Psicopedagògica) of the Department MIDE of the University of Barcelona.


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How to Cite
Bisquerra Alzina, R. (2003). Educación emocional y competencias básicas para la vida. Journal of Educational Research, 21(1), 7–43. Retrieved from