El clima escolar como factor de calidad en los centros de educación secundaria de la provincia de Ourense. Su estudio desde la perspectiva de la salud


  • Alfonso Cid Sabucedo
Keywords: School climate, school health, organizational health, quality


Nowadays the life in the schools is fashionable. We can characterize this fashion with two essential features: the climate and the living. Although, too frequency it turns up from the most negative feature: the violence. However, we can study the school’s life from the most positive feature: the quality one. In its study one decisive factor is the school climate. For its study several views and instruments are developped. Nowadays, there are two views fully spread: the personality and the health ones. In this study it’s described the school climate, from the health’s view, through the OHI-R. With that, as well as to describe the school climate, the greater contribution from the study, maybe, it is to have used this view and instrument at the fi rst time in our context.


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How to Cite
Cid Sabucedo, A. (2004). El clima escolar como factor de calidad en los centros de educación secundaria de la provincia de Ourense. Su estudio desde la perspectiva de la salud. Journal of Educational Research, 22(1), 113–144. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/98811