The role of parents in higher education


  • Patricia Beatriz T. Said Rücker
Keywords: Parents education, parents occupation, subject approval, university


The aim was to study whether the education level and occupation of the student’s parents were related to the approval of the introductory subject influencing the admission to the university. Parent´s education level and occupation of 497 applicant students were determined. Those who approved were recorded. Differences were found among paren´t education level related to subject approval, the latter was negatively associated to father´s complete and incomplete secondary level, and to mother´s tertiary level, and was positively associated to father´s and mother´s university level. There was negative association between the subject approval and father´s occupation as employee and independent worker, and positive association to father and mother university proffesionals. To have university educated parents who work in their own proffesions would be stimulating for the students, promoting the subject approval. Parent´s education level and occupation would be relevant factors for student´s admission to the university.


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How to Cite
Said Rücker, P. B. T. (2011). The role of parents in higher education. Journal of Educational Research, 29(1), 157–169. Retrieved from