¿Es posible un enfoque integrador en la investigación narrativa?


  • Pilar Alejandra Cortés Pascual
  • Concepción Medrano Samaniego
Keywords: Life stories, edcuational research, educational orientation, qualitative and quantitative paradigm


In this work star from the understanding of the main scheme of an educational research work in order to deal with the specific methodology of life stories, following three parts: situation/problem; methodology and globalisation. In this study, we underline the relevant problems and proposals for narrative. In the same way, and although the life stories, because of their specific subject matter, are understood from a qualitative paradigm, the quantitative subject matter is also taken into account. Therefore, we have opted for an integrating approach of both approaches. Finally, some limitations shown by the narrative method are presented, although we insist on its relevance as a method and a tool for education, and the construction of educational knowledge.


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How to Cite
Cortés Pascual, P. A., & Medrano Samaniego, C. (2005). ¿Es posible un enfoque integrador en la investigación narrativa?. Journal of Educational Research, 23(2), 449–467. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/rie/article/view/97801