Creencias y conocimiento de los profesores acerca de la conducta autodeterminada en personas con discapacidad cognitiva


  • Mª Carmen González Torres
  • Ángel Sobrino
Keywords: Cognitive disability, self-determination, teachers beliefs and perceptions, teacher training.


Teacher training is of utmost importance to insure that the development of self-determination be a reality in the educational services related to Special Education. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the beliefs and knowledge of teachers (N=72) about self-determinated behaviour in disabled children, through applying a questionnaire developed by the authors of this article. Of the results obtained, major findings relate to the fact that 94% considered selfdetermination to be an important educational goal for all children, including those that present some serious disability (80%). In the same way, 97% considered further social insertion and a better quality of life as benefits for the children. Even so, they expressed serious difficulties for applying instructive processes and strategies which produce further self-determination. The results are compared to those obtained in two other studies carried out in an Anglo-Saxon setting.


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How to Cite
González Torres, M. C., & Sobrino, Ángel. (2005). Creencias y conocimiento de los profesores acerca de la conducta autodeterminada en personas con discapacidad cognitiva. Journal of Educational Research, 23(2), 433–448. Retrieved from