La adaptación de las universidades al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Un proceso metodológico para el diseño de planes estratégicos


  • Juan De Pablos Pons Universidad de Sevilla
  • Pilar Colás Bravo Universidad de Sevilla
  • Teresa González Ramírez Universidad de Sevilla
  • Rocío Jiménez Cortés Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: European Higher Education Area (EHEA), diagnostic analysis, strategic, analysis SWOT (Strenghts, Weaknesses, Opportunites, Threats), higher education


This article shows a methodologic procedure for the design of strategic plans. It comes form a prospective study made in the University of Seville with the purpose of establishing a diagnostic for to know that demands of the university to the incorporation at the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and thus to value the changes that are due to make in scopes like the infrastructure dowry, formation of teaching staff and students in their supply of degrees. In this work, SWOT has been applied to identifiy the Weaknesses, Threats, Strenghts and Opportunities raised by a set of agents, like internal (deans, directors of departament, teachers an studens) like external (graduated, employers, public administrations, NGOs and teachin staff of high school) and, at a second moment, to derive from the same ones, lines of institutional intervention. Therefore, through a real case, one sets out a model and its methodologic sequence, like reference for the university institutions, that allows to carry out the corresponding diagnostic analysis for to design possible strategic plans.


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How to Cite
De Pablos Pons, J., Colás Bravo, P., González Ramírez, T., & Jiménez Cortés, R. (2007). La adaptación de las universidades al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. Un proceso metodológico para el diseño de planes estratégicos. Journal of Educational Research, 25(2), 533–554. Retrieved from