Valoración de un modelo de evaluación participativa autogestionada para promover el aprendizaje y cambio en las organizaciones


  • Flor A. Cabrera Rodríguez
Keywords: Participative evaluation, organisational learning, change in organisations, evaluative research, cluster evaluation


This article outlines a model of Self-managed Participative Evaluation (SPE) considered as a strategy for learning and change in organisations. The article also assesses the viability of the model using an evaluative research procedure based on a cluster evaluation methodology. The SPE model outlined is described along with  the theoretical and methodological foundations which underpin it. The evaluative research which was carried out in order to test the model is then adescribed. A detailed description is also offered of the measurement and evaluation plan implemented as part of the initial evaluation (which constitutes the source for the validation of the model and forms an essential part of the research on which the article is based), of the way the plan was operationalised and of the results obtained. Finalyy, details are given of the results obtained in the various evaluative analyses, results which offer support for the validity of the model.


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How to Cite
Cabrera Rodríguez, F. A. (2007). Valoración de un modelo de evaluación participativa autogestionada para promover el aprendizaje y cambio en las organizaciones. Journal of Educational Research, 25(2), 463–490. Retrieved from