La perspectiva de género en los sistemas de evaluación de la producción científica


  • Catalina Lara
Keywords: Women and science, scientific evaluation, peer-review, scientific excellence, sex discrimination, gender mainstreaming, science and society


A society with gender stereotypes produces a science impregnated with gender bias. This determines both the scientific contents and the selection of people taking part in the generation of scientific knowledge. In all western countries, the percentage of women in high positions in the science and technology system is extraordinarily low. In this article, case analysis are presented showing that the evaluation of scientific activity, which is a mandatory step in the selection and financing of researchers, may be directly or indirectly affected of gender bias. Even evaluation criteria which appear to be neutral with respect to gender may have an unwanted gender impact. It seems very necessary to establish transparent systems of evaluation of scientific production and to analyse the evaluation criteria and their results under a gender perspective in order to uncover possible gender biases that might be supporting the glass ceiling in the academic career of women scientists.


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How to Cite
Lara, C. (2007). La perspectiva de género en los sistemas de evaluación de la producción científica. Journal of Educational Research, 25(1), 133–148. Retrieved from