La formación del profesorado en género


  • Lucy Mar Bolaños Muñoz
  • Rocío Jiménez Cortés
Keywords: Formation of the teaching staff, Gender perspective, Relation gender-power, Sociocultural research, Narrative methodology, Action research


This paper persents the results of an research directed to the design, application and evaluation of a program of initial formation of the teaching staff form the gender perspective. The proposal is based on theoretical contributions coming from de Sociocultural Approach and the Feminists Theories. The Ecological Paradigm of Bronfennbrenner inspires the didactic design of the program when contemplating the application of tie didactic methodologies to the cultural, institutional and personal contexts of development. The study is an action-research in the classroom where the use of narrative techniques allows to successfully obtain expressions and discourses of the mental representation that the teaching staff in formation maintains on the binomial gender-power. This concept is key for the dissemination of good educative practises based on the gender equity. Results reveal the pedagogical strategies for the renovation of the teacher's practice.


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How to Cite
Bolaños Muñoz, L. M., & Jiménez Cortés, R. (2007). La formación del profesorado en género. Journal of Educational Research, 25(1), 77–95. Retrieved from