Sobre las diferencias de género en la percepción social del desarrollo sostenible. Estudio empírico en estudiantes universitarios de alto rendimiento


  • Mª Ángeles Murga Menoyo
Keywords: gender, values and environmental attitudes, education for sustainable development, environmental education, higher education


This study contributes to research being done in the field of sustainable development from a gender perspective. It analyzes the significant statistical difference in perceptions, attitudes and values of men and women. Its objective is to bring attention to the diversity of formation programmes which respond to the UNESCO call to attend the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD), 2005-14. The target population consisted of University students with outstanding performance records, who also were part of the Ideum 2010 Project, supported and financed by the Autonomous Community of Madrid. The results show differences which are scarcely relevant, as well as the necessity to reinforce, men’s and women’s training relative to sustainability principles and values.


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How to Cite
Murga Menoyo, M. Ángeles. (2009). Sobre las diferencias de género en la percepción social del desarrollo sostenible. Estudio empírico en estudiantes universitarios de alto rendimiento. Journal of Educational Research, 27(1), 169–183. Retrieved from