Validez discriminante de la batería multimedia Sicole-R-Primaria para la evaluación de procesos cognitivos asociados a la dislexia


  • Juan E. Jiménez
  • Remedios Guzmán
  • Rosario Ortiz
  • Alicia Díaz
  • Adelina Estévez
  • Eduardo García
  • Isabel Hernández-Valle
  • Mercedes Muñetón
  • Francisco Naranjo
  • Mercedes Rodrigo
  • Cristina Rodríguez
  • Estefanía Rojas
Keywords: computer-assisted assessment, cross-sectional study, dyslexia, phonological awareness, naming speed, speech perception, orthographic processing, syntactic processing, and working memory


The purpose of this study has been to analyze the discriminant validity of the Battery Multimedia Sicole-R-Primaria for the assessment of cognitive processes associated to dyslexia. The tool has a modular highly format, so that the assessment tasks are grouping into different modules that allow assessing processes of phonological awareness, speech perception, naming speed, syntactic processing, reading fluency, lexical decision, work memory, orthographic processing and morphological processing. A sample of dyslexics and normally achieving readers was selected from a population of 1.050 students of Primary Education (7-12 years) of public and private schools. The findings obtained demonstrate that, in general, the instrument discriminates against between dyslexics and normally achieving readers across different ages. At the beginning of elementary grades, it is the phonological and syntactic processing. Later, the speed in the recovery of phonological labels, lexical access and reading fluency, and finally is the orthographical processing and reading fluency that discriminates between both groups at the end of elementary grades. In sum, the educational implications are discussed and it is suggested that remediation could be more effective for dyslexic children if assessment instruments allow us to detect cognitive deficit that are experienced dyslexic children across compulsory schooling.


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How to Cite
Jiménez, J. E., Guzmán, R., Ortiz, R., Díaz, A., Estévez, A., García, E., … Rojas, E. (2009). Validez discriminante de la batería multimedia Sicole-R-Primaria para la evaluación de procesos cognitivos asociados a la dislexia. Journal of Educational Research, 27(1), 49–71. Retrieved from