Análisis comparado entre los resultados de una evaluación continua y otra puntual. El caso de la asignatura de macroeconomía.


  • Ana Cristina Mingorance Arnáiz
Keywords: evaluation system, continuous assessment, EHEA, learning methodology, ECTS, competences evaluation


Several changes are happened in the education, specially in the higher education. These changes influence in the organization and in the teaching methodology. In that case, the traditional methodology is being substituted by a new active one, in which, students are the focus of the learning process and, where the aim is not learning by memory, but to develop the competences which prepare them to work in the labor market. In the new methodology the evaluation system has a very important place, so with this paper we will try to answer some questions that every teachers do. What a continuous assessment system consist in? Which advantages has a continuous evaluation system compared with a traditional one? Is the continuous evaluation system better for the learning of the students? In order to answer these and others questions, we offer a comparative analysis about the results we have obtained in the subject of Macroeconomics in Business Certificate (San Pablo University) with two different assessment systems, one of them continuous, and the other punctual.


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How to Cite
Mingorance Arnáiz, A. C. (2008). Análisis comparado entre los resultados de una evaluación continua y otra puntual. El caso de la asignatura de macroeconomía. Journal of Educational Research, 26(1), 95–120. Retrieved from