Barreras de género y actitudes hacia las redes sociales en alumnado universitario de las facultades de educación


  • M. Rodriguez Lajo
  • Ruth Vila Baños
  • M. Freixa Niella
Keywords: gender barriers, stereotypes, leadership, social networks, fears of negative evaluation, gender role, working role relevance, glass ceiling, university students


This article presents the results of a survey designed to investigate the perception on gender barriers of students of Education in the University of Barcelona, as well as their attitude towards social networks. These are important issues that can affect their insertion in a work environment. Specifically, the article explains the elaboration and analysis of the questionnaire – QBP. First of all, it presents the theoretical foundations of the object of study, on the basis of which the objectives, content and internal structure of the questionnaire take shape. After a pilot study of the questionnaire and some suitable modifications, the questionnaire to apply is then constructed, and it appears in the annex of the article. The questionnaire was applied to a sample of 298 students of different faculties of the Mundet Campus. Finally, the article presents the results obtained from the study, as well as evidences of the technical characteristics of the elaborated instrument.


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Author Biographies

M. Rodriguez Lajo

Universidad de Barcelona

Ruth Vila Baños

Universidad de Barcelona

M. Freixa Niella

Universidad de Barcelona
How to Cite
Rodriguez Lajo, M., Vila Baños, R., & Freixa Niella, M. (2008). Barreras de género y actitudes hacia las redes sociales en alumnado universitario de las facultades de educación. Journal of Educational Research, 26(1), 45–72. Retrieved from