Artificial Intelligence as an Assistant to Develop a Competency-based Curriculum in Continuing Education


Keywords: artificial intelligence, constructive alignment, curriculum design, continuing education


In this article, an exploratory study is presented, evaluating the curricular alignment of a competency-based continuing education program generated through an artificial intelligence tool. A rubric for assessing the curricular coherence of the program was developed, and the content validity of the instrument was established through the judgment of 13 experts in the curricular field. Specific instructions were generated to be used in the artificial intelligence tool for the development of the competency-based program. These instructions resulted in the draft of an online education program with a duration of 120 hours. Subsequently, the collaboration of 13 experts in the field was sought to use the previously created rubric to assess the curricular coherence of the program. According to the results, the use of artificial intelligence does not replace the curriculum design process for a program; however, it can be a valuable tool to make the design process much more efficient.


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How to Cite
Cisternas San Martín, N., Guzman Muñoz, E., & Rivas Poblete, Ángela. (2025). Artificial Intelligence as an Assistant to Develop a Competency-based Curriculum in Continuing Education. Journal of Educational Research, (43).