Profiles of ICT Use in Adolescents
Differences and Similarities in Terms of Academic Performance, Stress and Parental Mediation
Maladaptive ICT use in adolescents is a growing socio-educational problem. It is related to various difficulties in multiple life contexts, requiring a deeper analysis to identify the influence of other variables in said situation. To this end, the following objectives were formulated: 1) To identify profiles of ICT use; 2) To analyse differences in the frequency of use of mobile phones, video game consoles and other devices between profiles; 3) To analyse differences in online parental mediation between profiles; 4) To analyse differences in online technological stress between profiles; 5) To analyse differences in academic performance between profiles. A non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational, non-experimental research design was carried out. The sample consisted of 1,101 adolescents (47.8% boys). Statistical techniques of association, group difference and cluster analysis were used as a multivariate approach. With regard to the results, a three-cluster solution was found: adapted use, signs of problematic use and problematic use of ICT. In the problematic use cluster, a higher frequency of use of smartphones, video games and other devices was detected, as well as greater technological stress. The lowest prevalence of parental mediation, as well as the worst academic performance were found in the problematic use cluster. The design of preventive and corrective actions that foster the development of educational, social and technological competences is considered extremely necessary for adolescents to make appropriate use of ICTs.
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