The Use of the Station Rotation Model to Enhance Science Achievement in Secondary Education
A Systematic Review
The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the implementation of the Organic Law of Education (LOMLOE) in Spain have prompted the adoption of new teaching approaches oriented towards a more competency-based and digital methodology. In this context, the Station Rotation Model is seen as an innovative approach with the potential to effectively facilitate the acquisition of key competencies. The main objective of this study is to determine the essential characteristics that the Station Rotation Model should have to enhance the acquisition of scientific and digital competencies in secondary education. For this purpose, a systematic review has been conducted, including the analysis of 21 studies relevant to this model and its conclusions. The research results emphasize the importance of solid, organizational, pedagogical, and technological planning to promote an interactive, engaging, and personalized learning environment, while highlighting the ability of the Station Rotation Model to enhance science learning. The main discussion focuses on identifying the characteristics that the Station Rotation Model should have in order to achieve success in the acquisition of scientific and digital competencies in secondary education, as well as on detecting the main difficulties to avoid or minimize them as much as possible. Finally, the aim is to determine the relevance of implementing this model.
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