Sociodemographic Differences in Critical Thinking among Spanish University Students
This study investigates critical thinking capacity among Spanish university students considering sociodemographic factors. Employing a quantitative approach, we used an exploratory, non-experimental, cross-sectional ex post facto design. A total of 5,238 students participated in the study and were assessed through closed-ended survey questions. Findings indicate that, although students demonstrate high levels of critical thinking, additional training is necessary to further enhance their skill. Moreover, significant differences are observed concerning sociodemographic factors such as gender, region, university type, and field of study. Male students and those enrolled in public universities and in-house centres (as opposed to affiliated centres) show higher levels of critical thinking, while students in the disciplines of Social Sciences and law display lower levels. Additionally, the universities with the highest levels of critical thinking are the Universitat de Barcelona, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, and Universidade da Coruña. The study concludes by discussing its limitations and suggesting future research directions to foster a better understanding of critical thinking within the Spanish university context.
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