Digital Skills Training and Professional Profiles
The Audiovisual Sector as an Inclusive Environment for Persons with Disabilities
Supporting Agencies
- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
- Agencia Estatal de Investigación
The audiovisual sector is undergoing a period of growth and development. The employment of persons with disabilities in this professional field is an opportunity of inclusion for this group, as long as training in digital skills is aligned with the professional demands of the market. This research reveals the most requested competencies and profiles in the communication industry. The research methodology is of a mixed nature. It is based on qualitative techniques (focus group, with eight participants) and quantitative ones (Delphi method, with forty informants), using two questionnaires distributed in two phases to four groups: audiovisual companies; specialized employment portals; associations of persons with disabilities and researchers. A mismatch was detected between the basic training received by the group with disabilities and the profiles most in demand by the audiovisual sector, which are: web designer, content creator, and virtual community manager. There is a lack of knowledge about this group and their accessibility conditions to this specialized training. New technologies become a possible ally to guarantee the acquisition of this training.
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