The Challenge of Teaching and Learning at University
Students’ Perceptions of the Use of Digital Technologies
Supporting Agencies
- Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
- Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades
- Ayudas para dar soporte a la actividad científica de los grupos de investigación de Cataluña (SGR-Cat 2021)
The present study, based on the TRAY-AP project, explains the role of digital technologies (DT) in the learning process of university students. From a collaborative and inclusive perspective, we have developed 50 learning trajectories with university students from Catalonia and the Basque Country (Spain) as a result of several meetings (usually four with each student). Based on the analysis of the transcripts of the meetings and the documents produced by each participant, the researchers wrote their learning trajectories which were then validated by each student. Drawing on the data obtained from the trajectories, we provided results on the role of DT in the personal and social life of students, and in their learning process. The main conclusions show the need to rethink the notion of knowledge, the dimensions and methodologies of teaching and learning at university, and the role of DT and Artificial Intelligence. The current challenge is an educational transformation to achieve a more inclusive, participatory and humane university in which students learn with meaning and responsibility for themselves and the world surrounding them.
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