The Pedagogical Meanings of University Teaching in Spain
Training Teachers and Engineers
Supporting Agencies
- ANID Fortalecimiento de Programas de Doctorado
- Red de Apoyo de la Dirección General de Investigación Universidad de Playa Ancha
- ANID Beca Postdoctorado-Extranjero
The pedagogical meanings of teaching are visions, both shared and individual, of teaching that are connected to pedagogical activities and cultural and structural aspects of academic work. The implementation of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) in Spain has arisen conflict in this regard, as it has given rise to the figure of the teacher-researcher-manager-bureaucrat, along with the commercialization of scientific production and the working conditions of teaching staff. This study examines the pedagogical meanings of university teaching in Spain, specifically focusing on two degree programs: the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education (Case 1) and the Bachelor’s Degree in Construction and Building (Case 2). A collective case study is conducted, employing open interviews with instructors who possess different contracts and trajectories in both programs. A reflective thematic analysis is carried out, yielding the following categories for Case 1: Teacher-researcher profile, Initial Teacher Education in practice, and Uncertain future expectations; and the following categories for Case 2: Teacher-professional profile, Teacher interaction from practice, and Job placement expectations. These findings are discussed in relation to how job challenges, the valuation of professional practice, instability in educational objectives, and the influence of the labor market impact the pedagogical meanings of university teaching in these cases. These aspects prompt inquiries into the country's future projects and the societal role of future professionals.
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