Risk Assessment of Dual Vocational Educational Training

the Case of Andalusia


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.566651
Keywords: Dual VET, Evaluative research, Risks, Good practices, Teachers


The progressive implementation of Dual Vocational Training in Spain since 2012 and in Andalusia since the 2013-2014 academic year, has been accompanied by interesting debates that question its revulsive character for the VET system in this country and that slow down its progress towards a key study modality to generate young talent in the Spanish context. This assessment study is presented taking into account the Andalusian context. Its main objective is to explore, from the perspective of the teaching group involved in the dual model, the risks for the sustainability and effectiveness of the model posed by certain external and internal factors linked to Dual VET in Andalusia. It evaluates to what extent the degree of urbanization, experience in dual training and participation in management may be conditioning this opinion. There have been a total of 1445 participating teachers whose opinions have been collected through a questionnaire designed and validated for this research. The analyses carried out highlight that the decrease in the participation of the teaching staff in the Dual VET, the loss of interest of the centres in this model and the continuity of the dual projects are risks for the sustainability of the Dual VET; being the interest of the companies in the competence profile of the graduates the greatest risk identified by the teaching staff regarding the effectiveness of the model. These threats are exacerbated in rural areas, in teachers with prospector profile and in teachers with low experience.


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How to Cite
Poza-Vilches, M. de F., & Pozo-Llorente, M. T. (2024). Risk Assessment of Dual Vocational Educational Training: the Case of Andalusia. Journal of Educational Research, 42(2). https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.566651