Identification and Characterization of Social Network (SN) Profiles in Spanish University Students


Keywords: social media, user profile, higher education, self-esteem, perceived control, family


This article examines how Spanish university students use Social Media (SM) platforms, which have become a natural means of communication and information for Generation Z due to the expansion of the Internet. The study involved 1,363 students from various fields of knowledge, and the questionnaire data were analysed using Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Two-Step Cluster Analysis, and K-means. The study found three motivational uses related to self-esteem, perceived control, and family closeness. Four distinct profiles of SM use emerged, including professional contacts and information, communication with others, avoidance of self-identity, and an alternative profile with reduced SM use. These profiles were further characterized by the type and amount of time spent on SM platforms, field of study, sex, and academic year. The study found that female students in Economics and Law primarily use SM for personal contacts, while women in the first years of Human and Social Sciences and Nursing and Physiotherapy tend to use SM to avoid self-identity. Male students in the last years of Engineering and Theology mostly use SM for alternative contacts. Only LinkedIn stands out as a platform for professional contacts. Additionally, the study found that an evasive use of SM platforms is associated with low self-esteem, little perceived control over life, and weak family ties. This finding suggests that educational guidance should focus on improving the training provided to students to mitigate these issues.


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How to Cite
Muñoz San Roque, I., Aza Blanc, G., Rúa Vieites, A., & Caro Carretero, R. (2024). Identification and Characterization of Social Network (SN) Profiles in Spanish University Students. Journal of Educational Research, 42(2).