Teacher Attitudes towards Serving Gifted Students in the Valencian Community
A Case Study
Research examining teacher attitudes while serving learners in gifted education corroborates that teachers who have a positive attitude are more likely to support their students, attempting to meet their emotional, social, and academic needs. On the contrary, teachers who respond negatively can hamper the development of key competences, resulting in loss of motivation and a poor academic performance. In this line, the present study aims to investigate the attitudes of Valencian teachers towards highly capable students—and their needs—through an analysis of their beliefs, while also determining the impact of the training received on the development of said attitudes. To achieve this, an ad-hoc questionnaire was designed and administered to a total of 1176 teachers from the Valencian Community. Results indicate that the attitude of teachers towards gifted students is more positive among younger instructors with fewer teaching experience, as well as among early years and primary school teachers in comparison with those teaching at higher levels. Furthermore, the results obtained prove that the training received does not significantly impact teacher attitudes and beliefs, thus emphasizing the need to consider environmental factors and, especially, the social representations associated to the different generations.
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