Grammatical expression in discursive contexts in early childhood education pupils with Developmental Language Disorders


Keywords: early childhood education, intervention, grammatical expression, Developmental Language Disorder

Supporting Agencies

  • Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad


The present investigation has been designed with the purpose of analyzing grammatical expression in pupils with typical development (DT) and with Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) and implementing an educational proposal. The final sample consisted of 128 5-year-old pupils belonging to educational centers on the Island of Tenerife. They were divided into four groups: (1) a treatment group for children with TDL (TDL-T); (2) an untreated group of children with TDL (TDL-C); (3) a treatment group of children with typical language development (DT-T) and (4) a group of untreated children with typical language development (DT-C). For the assessment of the pupils, the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Spanish (CELF-4, Semel et al., 2006) was used, while the indications of Castilla-Earls and Eriks-Brophy (2012) and Jackson-Maldonado (2013) were followed for the analysis of grammatical expression. The intervention program was organized following a Multi-Tiered System of Supports, carrying out a total of 20-minute long 55 sessions. A hybrid approach was used with stories, supported by icons and pictographic planning. The intervention was effective for the TDL-T and DT-T groups, more specifically, there was an increase in the production of simple, compound and complex sentences. The intervention through a SAMN allows the presence, participation and progress in syntactic skills both in students with TDL and with DT, providing empirical evidence to advance in a more inclusive education. 


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How to Cite
Delgado Cruz, A., Acosta Rodríguez, V. M., & Ramírez Santana, G. M. (2025). Grammatical expression in discursive contexts in early childhood education pupils with Developmental Language Disorders . Journal of Educational Research, (43).