Analysis of the Contribution of Rural Schools to the Territorial Dimension from the Teachers’ Perspective


Keywords: rural school, rural education, territorial dimension, social capital, rural development

Supporting Agencies

  • Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICIIN) – Ministerio de Universidades– del Gobierno de España


Schools play a crucial role in rural areas in terms of promoting local development, dynamizing the territory and contributing to the rooting of its inhabitants, especially in municipalities undergoing depopulation. Taking all this into account, this paper reports the views of a large sample of 110 primary teachers working at rural schools in Catalonia. They have been gathered by means of an online questionnaire entitled “Rural School and the Territorial Dimension” regarding educational projects carried out in conjunction with local institutions with joint objectives to promote territorial development in order to face challenges and needs of rural areas. Their answers shed light on how teachers perceive their role in the promotion of development within the rural communities where they work and the actions carried out. The results highlight the possible influence of some aspects related to the rural school projects in collaboration with local institutions, and their perceptions about the role played by the agents of both institutions in the development of the territorial dimension through these shared projects. The conclusions refer to the importance of taking into account the participation of local agents in the development of the territorial dimension in school projects due to the importance of the school in promoting the sustainability of rural territories, as well as in encouraging actions that lead students to become rooted in the place and value it. 


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How to Cite
Carrete-Marín, N., Boix Tomàs, R., & Buscà Donet, F. (2024). Analysis of the Contribution of Rural Schools to the Territorial Dimension from the Teachers’ Perspective. Journal of Educational Research, 42(2).