Construction and validation of a questionnaire on academic digital reading practices for undergraduates of initial teacher training


Keywords: reading, digital literacy, multiple literacies, higher education, Likert scales, factor analysis


The appropriation of academic reading and writing practices by university students is essential for the development of their professional identity. Specifically, this research focuses on investigating the autonomous practices of digital reading in academic contexts based on the design and validation of a questionnaire created ad hoc for students of the Infant Education Teacher’s degree (n=503). A quantitative exploratory study of several psychometric properties of the measurement instrument is carried out by means of a survey. The operationalization of digital reading concepts was developed through five dimensions and five-point Likert-type questions, with a total of 88 items. The answers were refined with the IBM SPSS 26 software and an exploratory factor analysis and semi-confirmatory factor analysis were carried out using the Factor.12 program. Results show that the instrument has reliability properties of internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) and composite reliability (McDonald’s Omega coefficient). Likewise, an acceptable validity of the social and ecological construct is verified. The final questionnaire consists of four dimensions and 87 items.


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How to Cite
Abarzúa-Ceballos, L., Ambrós-Pallarés, A., & Ruiz-Bueno, A. (2024). Construction and validation of a questionnaire on academic digital reading practices for undergraduates of initial teacher training. Journal of Educational Research, 42(1), 33–59.