Leading from care

The experiences of chilean female school principals during the pandemic


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.547331
Keywords: leadership, women, school, education administrators, pandemics

Supporting Agencies

  • Centro Asociativo para el Liderazgo Escolar (Clíder)


COVID-19 was a great challenge for schools. It forced the reorganisation of learning processes and their operation in a context where school principals played a key role. Previous studies had shown some of the defining characteristics of female leadership to be the incorporation of emotions and the development of more collaborative and supportive environments. This article analyses the actions carried out by female school principals that facilitated the management of the crisis generated by COVID-19. Employing a case-study methodology, the experiences of 12 female principals from the capital of Chile were addressed through in-depth interviews. The results suggest that female principals exercised positive leadership defined by a caring component in the areas of their interactions, their context and their management and administration. We conclude that these actions allowed them to achieve a balance between the individual and collective needs of the educational actors, promoting the well-being of their communities.


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How to Cite
Carrasco Sáez, A., & Palma Salinas, I. (2024). Leading from care: The experiences of chilean female school principals during the pandemic. Journal of Educational Research, 42(1), 79–94. https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.547331