A Space For Citizen Participation Through Final Degree Projects

Promoting The 2030 Agenda And The Sustainable Development Goals


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.546291
Keywords: participation, active learning, higher education, educational methods

Supporting Agencies

  • Universidad del País Vasco


In today's society, Sustainable Development Goals set a roadmap for our daily work, both educationally and socially. On this basis, this Educational Innovation project creates networks between students, teachers and entities, promoting an excellent scenario to connect academia with praxis. The overall objective of this work is to delve into the potential of the project from a polyhedral vision involving students, social organizations and lectures. Based on a qualitative perspective, the active participation of students, teaching staff and third sector organizations has been encouraged throughout the process. Likewise, the whole process has been documented through focus groups, automatic writing exercises and a systematic record of the work. The analysis of the documentation generated has been developed through a deductive-inductive categorisation of the information using NVivo (Windows) and Iramuteq (0.7 alpha 2) software. It is worth highlighting the markedly dialogical and participative nature of the methodologies proposed for the development of the TFGs, as well as the process of coordination, systematization and evaluation of the entire innovation project. These findings allow us to corroborate some of the evidence provided by the scientific literature when it comes to pointing out the added value of pedagogical proposals such as Service-Learning or Research-Based Learning in Higher Education and more specifically in the framework of the development of the Sustainable Development Goals.


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How to Cite
Legorburu Fernández, I., Gezuraga Amundarain, M., Eiguren Munitis, A., & Roman Etxebarrieta, G. (2024). A Space For Citizen Participation Through Final Degree Projects: Promoting The 2030 Agenda And The Sustainable Development Goals. Journal of Educational Research, 42(2). https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.546291