Effect of autonomy support on academic satisfaction

Academic motivation and engagement as mediating variables


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.546251
Keywords: autonomy support, academic satisfaction, academic motivation, learner engagement


Students' perceptions of the teaching practice influence their learning process. In this sense, students' perceptions of autonomy support affect various variables such as their academic satisfaction. The purpose of this study was to predict academic satisfaction of university students based on their perceptions of autonomy support, mediated by their motivation and academic engagement. The sample was made up of 637 students from the University of Cádiz and the University of Extremadura who are studying the Degrees in Primary Education and Early Childhood Education. For data collection, the Autonomy Support Scale, the State Motivation Scale, the Classroom Engagement Scale and the Academic Satisfaction Scale were administered. The data were analysed using a partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings indicate positive effects of autonomy support on motivation, engagement and academic satisfaction; of motivation on engagement and academic satisfaction and of engagement on academic satisfaction of university students. Likewise, motivation and academic engagement have complementary mediating effects with the rest of the variables under study. Finally, through the predictive validity of the model, it is determined that it has a low out-of-sample predictive power. Recommendations are derived regarding the incorporation of strategies in teacher training that foster the autonomy of university students, thus enriching their learning process.


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How to Cite
Froment, F., de-Besa Gutiérrez, M., & Gil Flores, J. (2023). Effect of autonomy support on academic satisfaction: Academic motivation and engagement as mediating variables . Journal of Educational Research, 41(2), 479–499. https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.546251