Bullying and Cyberbullying
Differential Impact on the Mental Health and Identity Development of LGBA People
Supporting Agencies
- Basque Government (PRE_2019_1_0120)
- University of Basque Country (GIU 21/056)
LGBTAphobic bullying (B) and cyberbullying (CB) constitute an internationally recognized problem in schools; however, little attention has been paid to the experiences and outcomes of some sexual minority group such as asexual people. This study aims to explore the prevalence of B and CB and their differential impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual and asexual people. It also aims to analyze the differences depending on the time in which it occurs: past or present. The sample is composed of 1,215 LGBA people (48% bullied/cyberbullied) living in Spain (age 17-69, M= 28.22). A self-report survey was used to measure bullying or cyberbullying, health and well-being (anxiety, depression, life satisfaction and self-esteem), and identity development (uncertainty and acceptance). The results confirm the occurrence of traditional bullying (27%), cyberbullying (8%) or their co-occurrence (13%) among the LGBA population and their significant relationship with health problems and identity development. More cases have been found am LGBTAphobic bullying (B) and cyberbullying (CB) constitute an internationally recognized problem in schools; however, little attention has been paid to the experiences and outcomes of some sexual minority group such as asexual people. This study aims to explore the prevalence of B and CB and their differential impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual and asexual people. It also aims to analyze the differences depending on the time in which it occurs: past or present. The sample is composed of 1,215 LGBA people (48% bullied/cyberbullied) living in Spain (age 17-69, M= 28.22). A self-report survey was used to measure bullying or cyberbullying, health and well-being (anxiety, depression, life satisfaction and self-esteem), and identity development (uncertainty and acceptance). The results confirm the occurrence of traditional bullying (27%), cyberbullying (8%) or their co-occurrence (13%) among the LGBA population and their significant relationship with health problems and identity development. More cases have been found among gays and asexuals, although bisexual and asexual identities have significantly greater anxiety and depression levels, including difficulties of satisfaction, self-esteem and identity acceptance. It has also been found that the immediate effects of LGTBAphobia are stronger, but that such LGTBAphobia can also have long-term consequences. These findings confirm that intervention strategies must consider the coexistence of traditional bullying and cyberbullying, as well as including the whole spectrum of identities covered by the LGTBIQA+ umbrella in programs that seek to promote respect for sexual diversity.
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