The role of online vs face-to-face learning environments in academic engagement profiles

A comparative study during and post lockdown


Keywords: Academic engagement, lockdown, face-to-face education, virtual education, cluster analysis, university education

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  • Español


The objective of this study was to contrast engagement profiles in Colombian university students in two distinct educational contexts, the online education promoted by the lockdown and the face-to-face classroom environment, in order to understand possible differences between the groups. For this purpose, 742 university students were evaluated in two educational contexts: the online education during the COVID-19 lockdown and the subsequent face-to-face classroom environment. The sample consisted of Colombian university students between 18 and 25 years old, of middle and low socioeconomic level. As to the methodological approach, a pre- and post-test comparison was done first, followed by a cluster analysis which allowed to define four profiles based on participants’ scores on the UWES-S scale (Student Academic Engagement Scale). Multiple comparisons showed significant differences in the levels of vigor, absorption, and among the four engagement profiles: high, medium, in process, and low. The results showed that the group of students with higher scores was composed of participants in both virtual and face-to-face modalities. However, the groups with lower scores were made up of students in the online modality mainly, indicating a pattern where virtual schooling imposed during lockdown was associated with lower motivation for learning. In the analyses by gender, females presented higher levels than males in both teaching contexts.


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How to Cite
Marenco Escuderos, A., Restrepo, D., & Rambal-Rivaldo, L. (2024). The role of online vs face-to-face learning environments in academic engagement profiles: A comparative study during and post lockdown. Journal of Educational Research, 42(1), 61–77.