Training needs detected by company tutors in Dual Vocational Training in Asturias
Dual Vocational Training requires coordinated work between educational institutions and companies in order to provide students with a comprehensive training that promotes their personal, academic and professional development. In this scenario, in which the company is conceived as a didactic environment, the company tutor acquires great relevance for the optimal development of this training modality. The aim of this study is to identify the training needs of company tutors in the Principality of Asturias. For this purpose, a qualitative methodology has been used, based on interviews with key informants from different sectors and companies of different sizes. The categorization process of information has been developed using the MAXQDA software (v.20). Data analysis revealed the need for specific training for these agents, as well as the lack of coordination and communication between educational centers and companies. The study concludes by indicating the relevance of establishing synergies between educational centers and companies, as well as providing company tutors with the necessary knowledge and tools for the proper performance of their training tasks. In addition, it is necessary to give visibility to company tutors by the institutions involved in Dual FP. Moreover, the educational and labor authorities should provide the necessary means so that these professionals can perform their functions in an optimal way.
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