Profile of teachers whose teaching practices support the entrepreneurial competence


Keywords: teaching practice, entrepreneurship, TALIS, training, primary education, secondary education


The entrepreneurial competence is characterised by being cross-cutting and multidimensional. These dimensions should be fostered in the classroom through specific teaching practices. This study aims to determine the variables of the teaching staff, the school, the classroom climate and the teaching team that predict the development of practices that favour the entrepreneurial competence and to analyse the differences in the development of this type of practices between primary and secondary education. A descriptive, predictive, and cross-sectional study has been carried out, using TALIS 2018 data for Spain. The results of the study show that the variables that predict the development of teaching practices linked to entrepreneurship are the initial and continuous training of teachers in transversal competencies, the innovative nature of the teaching team and an appropriate disciplinary climate in the classroom. More frequent use of entrepreneurial teaching practices is observed in secondary education compared to primary education. In this case, although the teacher profiles are very similar at both levels, the effect of the innovative nature of the teaching staff is more relevant at the secondary level. Furthermore, in secondary education, there is greater use of entrepreneurial teaching practices in social science subjects, compared to foreign languages, which are at the other extreme. As for recommendations, the importance of adequate initial and continuous teacher training in transversal competencies and the need for greater coordination and cooperation between teachers in the class group to share teaching practices that contribute to the creation of innovative teaching teams stand out.


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How to Cite
González-Tejerina, S., Rodríguez-Esteban, A., & Vieira, M.-J. (2023). Profile of teachers whose teaching practices support the entrepreneurial competence. Journal of Educational Research, 41(2), 377–397.