Contributions and difficulties valued by participants in an educational innovation process from Pre-school to High school


Keywords: educational innovation, program evaluation, educationa improvement, school personnel

Supporting Agencies

  • Universitat de Vic-UCC


Educational innovations to improve teaching, learning, and evaluation processes have been studied from different perspectives in recent years. The aim of this article is to present the contributions and difficulties perceived and valued by the different educational agents involved (teachers, students, families, and management team). Using a qualitative methodology and relying on the multiple-case study method, this paper shows a contribution in the type and nature of learning, as well as in cooperative, relational and emotional learning. Likewise, the teacher’s dedication, his/her training and accompaniment, and the need for greater collaboration among the agents are regarded as difficulties. These results are in line with previous research, although they provide an overview of all the agents involved. In conclusion, this study highlights the need for greater involvement of all educational agents promoted by the management team and greater publicity of the innovation process to legitimize it and link it to the social reality.


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How to Cite
Martínez Maireles, D., Naranjo Llanos, M., & Tort Bardolet, A. (2022). Contributions and difficulties valued by participants in an educational innovation process from Pre-school to High school. Journal of Educational Research, 40(2), 495–512.