Analysis of the evaluation of emotional education and motivation programs in Secondary Education


Keywords: evaluation, intervention, learning motivation, secondary education


Motivation is a key aspect in education due to its influence on academic performance, and intervention programs are a useful resource to contribute to its improvement. However, selecting the right programme with quality guarantees is not always a simple task. One way to have a certain guarantee is by choosing those programs that have not only been evaluated, but for which there is also evidence that the evaluation has been performed correctly

The present work aims to analyse the evaluation processes and results of different motivational intervention programs addressed to Secondary students from the results of their evaluation results. In order to achieve this goal, a theoretical approach to program evaluation and meta-evaluation is made and a review of the academic literature from which evaluations of motivational intervention programs are selected and compared. Finally, a meta-evaluation is performed through the application of standards.

The results show that evaluations are generally conducted internally and in a summative manner, focusing on the results of implementation rather than on the process.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez-de-Rozas, B., & Carpintero Molina, E. (2021). Analysis of the evaluation of emotional education and motivation programs in Secondary Education. Journal of Educational Research, 39(2), 503–525.