Factors facilitating and hindering transition from Primary to Secondary Education


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.441441
Keywords: transition from primary to secondary school (first stage), school success, school failure, teacher’s role, school environment


The transition from Primary to Secondary Education is a critical moment for students, as this period between educational stages implies for some of them the beginning of a process that can lead to school failure. The outcomes of this transition process will depend, among other factors, on teachers´ perceptions, attitudes and actions. This paper aims to identify and analyze the factors that, from the teachers´ perspective, can facilitate or hinder the transition process from Primary to Secondary Education. The methodology used is based on a qualitative approach, developed through focus groups and interviews with tutors of the first year of Obligatory Secondary Education, headmasters, management teams and high school counselors. Data and opinion analysis expose the most significant elements in the transition process. School organization and school culture emerge as key aspects, since most of the teachers identify factors belonging to those areas. In line with other studies, communication between schools, students and families as well as tutoring arise as essential aspects in the transition process from Primary to Secondary Education. Finally, this study will underscore the importance of knowing these factors to improve the process.


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How to Cite
Ávila Francés, M., Sánchez Pérez, M. C., & Bueno Baquero, A. (2022). Factors facilitating and hindering transition from Primary to Secondary Education. Journal of Educational Research, 40(1), 147–164. https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.441441