Influence of the flipped classroom in the scientific training of pre-service teachers: benefits in the teaching-learning process, attitudes and expectations towards science


Keywords: flipped classroom, grade of teaching, academic performance, attitudes


The flipped classroom is increasingly popular in the university environment, but its implications have not yet been fully analyzed. We study in this work how the application of the inverted class influences the teaching-learning process itself and its results, specifically in the scientific training of pre-service teachers. The study has been carried out in the context of the subject of Matter and Energy Sciences in three degrees related to the training of Teachers in Primary Education and covers more than 400 students. The key elements for a successful implementation of the inverted class are highlighted, didactic objectives essential for meaningful learning of Experimental Sciences are included, and the benefits achieved during the process are analyzed. Thus, significant improvements have been found in academic results in the most of the groups analyzed, and an overall benefit in the development of positive attitudes towards science, in their ability to metacognition and in their expectations as future science teachers.


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How to Cite
Ros, G., & Rodríguez Laguna, M. T. (2021). Influence of the flipped classroom in the scientific training of pre-service teachers: benefits in the teaching-learning process, attitudes and expectations towards science. Journal of Educational Research, 39(2), 463–482.