Relationship between willingness to communicate in English, oral communication strategies use and fear of negative evaluation in university students


  • Juan Fernando Gómez Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria
  • Jorge Emiro Restrepo Tecnológico de Antioquia
  • Claudio Díaz Larenas Universidad de Concepción
Keywords: competencia comunicativa, estudiante universitario, lengua inglesa, motivación, personalidad, communicative competence, undergraduate student, English language, motivation, personality

Supporting Agencies

  • Tecnológico de Antioquia Institución Universitaria
  • Universidad de Concepción


Second language learning is influenced by different factors. This study intends to analyze the relationship between willingness to communicate in English, communication strategies use to overcome speaking difficulties and fear of negative evaluation. The population consisted of 575 language basic and intermediate language undergraduate students. Three questionnaires were employed to collect the data: WTC (Willingness to Communicate), OCSI (Oral Communication Strategy Inventory) and BFNE (Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation). The research was carried out under a correlational, cross-sectional and non-experimental design. Spearman correlation coefficients revealed the existence of positive correlations in overall communication strategies and willingness to communicate. There exist negative relationships between the majority of communication strategies and fear of negative evaluation. Further, a weak correlation between fear of negative evaluation and willingness to communicate was observed.


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How to Cite
Gómez, J. F., Restrepo, J. E., & Díaz Larenas, C. (2021). Relationship between willingness to communicate in English, oral communication strategies use and fear of negative evaluation in university students. Journal of Educational Research, 39(2), 411–425.