The best way to promote Research about Vocational Education and Training in Spain (IFPE in Spanish) is through an ecosystem that connects the technological, investigative, innovative and entrepreneurial potential with the infrastructures and talent of its researchers and social agents and is reinforced by principles, policies and investments of the strategy to follow. A good IFPE ecosystem cannot be constructed without strong networks of connection between science, socioeconomic actors and society in general. As in many other fields of activity, innovation and research in vocational training arise from exchanges and collaborations between researchers, training centers, universities, companies and investors. To achieve the objectives, directly or indirectly related to vocational education and training (VET), all actors must be involved: the government, the private sector, civil society and individuals. Building a culture of research and innovation in VET involves a continuous process of reflection-action-reflection, which offers real spaces for exchange, participation and decision-making on its important role in the development of VET. This is probably the best way to overcome its poor social recognition in Spain and make it become the engine of the transformation that our society needs. Without a doubt, experimenting in the art of training apprentices contributes to the training of human capital, generation of change and stimulation their professional development.
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