Evaluating written works in dual teacher education

A case study


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.415271
Keywords: cooperative education, preservice teacher education, theory practice relationship, assessment rubrics

Supporting Agencies

  • This work was supported by the Agència d’Ajuts per a la Recerca i Universitats (AGAUR) and from the Catalan Departament d’Economia i Societat del Coneixement: 2014 ARMIF 00021, 2015 ARMIF 00022, 2017 ARMIF 00028 and by University of Lleida - “Programa de Promoció de la Recerca - 2019”


This article addresses a problem widely described in the literature: the theory-practice integration in the texts of Teachers in Initial Training (DFI). A training device is presented with an assessment instrument called Narratives Analysis Categories System (SCAN). This allows a convergent evaluation by the different actors of the Dual University Training (FDU) in the degree of Primary Education: the university teaching staff, the DFI and the school mentors.

The case study focuses on the evolution of narratives about educational practices in schools. The analysis of the narratives of 150 DFI is carried out at two checkpoints through the SCAN. This instrument is structured in four dimensions: Description, Understanding, Projection and Formal Aspects.

The results show a significant improvement of the DFI, especially relevant in the Projection dimension and being this evidenced in the categories: Teaching Competencies, Teaching Intervention and Development Opportunities.

In conclusion, the training with narratives contributes to the development of the Professional Vision from a critical review of the practice. In this study SCAN shows its efficiency in the analysis and evaluation of DFI narratives.


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How to Cite
Peguera Carré, M. C., Curto Reverte, A., Ianos, M. A., & Coiduras Rodríguez, J. L. (2021). Evaluating written works in dual teacher education: A case study. Journal of Educational Research, 39(1), 111–130. https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.415271