The relationship between ICT competences, ICT use and learning approaches in university students of education


Keywords: information and communication technologies, university students, ICT competence, use of technology in education, approaches to learning


Information and communication technologies (ICT) represent a change in the ways of learning of university students. The purpose of this study is to know the relationship between learning approaches (superficial and deep), use of ICT (personal use, non-school academic use and academic use in the classroom) and ICT competences (technological, pedagogical and ethical) in university students of Education degrees. This is a study based on a correlational design, whose sample is made up of 485 students of the degrees of Pedagogy and Social Education at the University of Valencia, selected by non-probabilistic and accidental sampling, collecting the information through two questionnaires. The results indicate the existence of a complex link between ICT competences, use of ICT and learning approaches. The relationship between pedagogical and ethical competences, non-school academic use and an in-depth approach, and between a superficial approach and academic use of ICT in the classroom should be highlighted. Therefore, the need to train students in the pedagogical and ethical competences of ICT is stressed in order to encourage deep learning.


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How to Cite
Díaz, I., Almerich Cerveró, G., Suárez-Rodríguez, J., & Orellana Alonso, N. (2020). The relationship between ICT competences, ICT use and learning approaches in university students of education . Journal of Educational Research, 38(2), 549–566.