Implementation and results of a system to evaluate the quality of university teaching in a decade of experimentation
The evaluation of the quality of university teaching has become for the last decade a topic of maximum relevance due to the impact it has on the new approach proposed in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and due to the change in the role that teachers must play. This article presents a pioneering system in the way the quality of teaching is evaluated through a double quality Label: I Design and Planning and II Implementation. The analyses and results presented refer exclusively to the label I applied for ten years. During this time, a total of 1930 teacher reports have been issued and 379 of them have been analysed through a stratified probabilistic sample. The method used was basically quantitative with a qualitative complement. The results show that there has been an improvement in teacher quality linked to a decrease in errors throughout the process analysed. This leads to a debate on the relevance of evaluation as a means of improvement and not exclusively as a summative function.
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