Gifted Education in Spanish Education System

Concept and Identification Issues


Keywords: Alta capacidad, dotación, talento, aceleración educativa, enriquecimiento, High ability, giftedness, talent, acceleration, enrichment


This paper gathers a tight synthesis of some of the conceptual problems that are directly related with the development of service to gifted students in the Spanish education system, preferably non-university. Thus, it seems essential to focus on the theoretical approach of the preeminent models in the most relevant scientific literature that allow us to get a minimum operational conceptualization of the concepts of ability and talent. On the other hand, the problems derived from identification and its evident deficit in public and private schools are analyzed. Some considerations to relevant identification models based on the “out of level” measures are given particular attention for their methodological and practical importance and for having been implemented by the author for years in Spain.


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How to Cite
Tourón, J. (2019). Gifted Education in Spanish Education System: Concept and Identification Issues. Journal of Educational Research, 38(1), 15–32.