Percepciones del alumnado sobre diferentes tipos de violencia. Adaptación y validación del CUVE3 -ESO al contexto universitario
Adaptation and validation of CUVE3 -ESO in the context of the University of Huelva (Spain)
Most studies about school violence focus their analysis on the stages of primary and secondary education with little research being available on this subject at the university level. Taking this reality as a point of departure and making use of a survey-type methodology, this study investigates the perception of students at the University of Huelva (Spain). This study is concerned with the frequency with which they consider that different types of school violence appear, whether carried out by other students or by professors of the University. Specifically, this study is based on the adaptation of the CUVE3-ESO to a university context and its application to a sample made up of 337 students at the University of Huelva. Their psychometric properties have been analyzed. Descriptive analyses of the studied variables have also been carried out. By way of discussion and conclusions, on the one hand, it is worth highlighting the identification of certain disruptive behaviors in the classroom, as well as verbal violence between students and exclusionary teacher violence towards certain students, in terms of having a preference for some students (M=2.56), disliking some (M=2.25) and ignoring others (M=2.06). These behaviors are presented as the most common forms of violence at the University (and have also been detected at other educational levels). On the other hand, this study corroborates that the adaptation of the instrument used is reliable and valid for evaluating violence in a university context.
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