Misconduct of Spanish university students in their evaluations: assessment of its severity and proposals for sanctions from an experts’panel
This paper focuses on the fraud in the evaluations perpetrated by the Spanish university students and its regulation by the universities as a device to combat it. From the analysis of the literature and the consultation of a panel of experts through the administration of a questionnaire in two rounds, the main fraudulent behaviours in the evaluations are identified. Subsequently, based on the opinions of the experts, it is determined, on the one hand, the level of seriousness of each of the fraudulent behaviours and, on the other, the type of sanctions applicable according to their severity. The analysis of the degree of concordance of the experts on these issues suggests that, although there are some elements that present a significant consensus, there continue to be important divergences in some fundamental criteria when assessing and punishing the fraudulent behaviour of students in the evaluations The results offered can be useful for the development and implementation of educational policies against academic dishonesty based on normative devices.
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