Teacher evaluation as a direct path towards the improvement of educational quality


  • Tomás Escudero Escorza Universidad de Zaragoza
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.37.1.342521
Keywords: teachers; evaluation; consequences; quality.


Teacher evaluation is a very relevant area of research in education. It offers a great potential to strengthen features of educational quality whether it is carried out while being adequately contextualized, by following the principles and characteristics of the evaluation defended in numerous scientific publications of main international experts. In order to base the correct evaluation, important aspects such as the model approaches, the scopes and contents, the objectives and decisions, the sources and methodologies and the regulations are analysed. In addition, the important role of teachers in the area of Research Methods and Diagnosis in Education (MRDE) belonging to Spanish universities, as well as the large quantity and quality of publications on this subject in scientific journals promoted by his research association AIDIPE.


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How to Cite
Escorza, T. E. (2018). Teacher evaluation as a direct path towards the improvement of educational quality. Journal of Educational Research, 37(1), 15–37. https://doi.org/10.6018/rie.37.1.342521